December, 2007 – Enabled by the generosity of longtime supporter Nathan Zeller, Soccer for Peace recently held a letter writing contest for our participants. The goal was for Arab and Jewish kids to write letters to one another, hopefully tapping into the progress that’s been made in the course of our programming. First place (letters below) went to Tarik Abu Moch and Sagie Aluma. Mohammad Mader and Dor Ganach won second place honors.

Tarik Abu Moch writing Dor Schechter

I am Tarik and I want to thank you Dor for the good relations between us, even though I am a new player on the team. I wish we will be good friends and play good soccer together. When I got back to the team after I broke my leg you were the first one who asked me how I was and if I am feeling good. Just to let you know that a small thing impressed me a lot, and I want to come back and play soccer with you again. I think that you are my best friend on the team. I hope your wishes will come true to be a striker (I know that’s the position you like most).


Sagie Aluma writing Mohammad Mader

Dear Muhamad,

I would like us to be even better friends because you’re nice and funny and we became good friends since our trip to Eilat. In soccer we pass to each other and cooperate a lot and we always laugh together. You are a very good striker that scores a lot of goals. I wish you success in school and soccer and in everything you wish to do. I want you to know that if you ever need something I will be there to listen. I want you to know that I don’t care if you’re Jewish or Arab because you are a kid just like me and I want to be good friends. I hope have a lot of friends, both Jewish and Arab, though it does not matter; only that they are nice like you.


Sagie Aluma

To see the actual letters, click here